Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Bedtime struggles and meltdowns...

So DS is 9.5 months. Recently bedtime has gone to hell in a handbasket. He used to just nurse, pass out, go to bed. Now he will nurse, kind of be asleep or drowsy. The minute he goes into the crib it's full on screaming, standing, carrying on. Last night he fell asleep at 7 which is on the early side for him. Woke up just before 8 and after an hour of going in to comfort him every few minutes, I put him in bed with us. He was all smiles, holding onto DH and me with each of his hands. He finally gave in to sleep at 10:30. We did a successful crib transfer until he woke up again at 2:45.


From what I've read, this seems sort of normal for this age. Major developmental spurts, etc. I know he's exhausted but he just won't give in. I hate letting him CIO but I was ready to try it. But it got to the point where I couldn't continue, he was too upset which made me upset!


Does anyone have any experience or ideas? The two hour process is wearing us down.

Started our TTC Journey: 2007 Long cycles after bcp, dx'd with mild PCOS. put on metformin and doing weekly acupuncture; cycles went from 60 days to 30-33. DH had SA done 11/08, dx'd varicocele. Surgery 12/08; no significant changes in SAs over the past year. Low morph, low motility, low count Straight to IVF, on bcp. Start Lupron 11/16. ER 12/7 ET 12/12 tx'd one blast, 3 to freeze Beta #1 12/21 89! Beta #2 12/23 195 First u/s 1/4
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