Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Pumping and flying internationally

Quick question from a lurker...

My husband and I will be going to Aruba for a week in a month, when our son is about 11 months.  He's staying at his grandparents.  I know I'm going to have to pump while we're in Aruba.

My question is...I think I want to wean our son around a year, but it's not set in stone.  Do I bother trying to bring the milk back?  Can I bring the milk back?  Has anyone done this?  What did you use to keep the milk cool?  I wonder if it's worth the effort of bringing a cooler/dealing with customs/saying, 'no, my breastmilk is NOT a bomb.'  On the other hand, I HATE to do all that pumping and just pour it down the drain...

Indecision sucks.  Anyone have gone through this?  Did you bring the milk back?

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