Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Meals are a nighmare- 11 month old

Anyone else? Meals are really turning into a nighmare. I feel like I am feeding Helen Keller in The Miracle Worker, only much, much worse.

DS is 11 months old and we do table food (he feeds himself) followed up by purees (because he doesn't seem to feed himself enough before running out of steam and I want to make sure he eats enough). He just started vetoing rice/oatmeal so I'm struggling to get stuff into him and it's also a fine line, I can underfeed him or over feed him (I think this is what happens sometimes when he throws up after dinner).

I just dread it. He is grabbing the spoon, smooshing food in his hair, you name it. Some days I hold his hands down and feed him with the spoon. Does anyone have any tips? I feel like I am trying to feed a tazmanian devil. Also how long does your meal last and do you distract LO somehow. Should I do all table food at this point?


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