Single Parents

Sad today...

It's been two weeks since my BF left saying he didn't want another kid (he already has 2). We were together for 3 years and it seemed like everything was going just fine, we were talking about the baby shower and getting ready to move in together, then I got an email saying he didn't want a long term relationship and he will pay child support, but doesn't want to see LO. Aside from the first couple days afterwards, I've been handling this really well, just staying focused on LO and what needs to be done before she gets here. I had the day off today and so I have had plenty of time to just sit around and think, and it doesn't help that Thursdays were our usual date-night, since we live an hour apart. I wish I could just speed up the next few months so that I can have my baby girl here to spend time with and keep me occupied. I'm sure tomorrow will be better, but that doesn't help me today. Thanks for letting me whine, I'm done now.
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