Upstate NY Babies

Am I crazy to consider switching daycares?

I like my daycare.  We've been with them for almost 4 years.

I work at home, but it's a 8-5 gig where I need to be concentrating and on the phone, so LO is in daycare.

The center we are using now is just over 5 miles from the house (and 10 minutes).  I drive 104 miles a week (200 minutes).  It's crazy that I drive that much, and work at home!

There is a center less than 2 miles from the house.  I liked them initially, but didn't go with them because at the time they had only been open a few months.  Now they've been open a lot longer.

The prices are within a few dollars of each other, so that's not really a factor at all.  It's really all about gas and drive-time.

Another positive is that they are in our school district and do school-age care.  (My oldest fends for himself after school until I get done working.)

Did I mention that we really like his current daycare?  Would I be crazy to go tour the closer center and think about disrupting him?

Bianca image.
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