Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Water question

How much water do you give LO each day?  When do you offer it?

Meg is still breastfed (pumped bottles during the day while I work, breast when I'm there) so I thought the BM was sufficient to quench her thirst. 

Well, last night she woke up and could not go back to sleep!  I tried everything - patting, paci, nursing (she ate for about 10 mins), laying down with her, paci again, different positions, etc.  Finally after 4 hours of that mess, she started smacking like she was sucking the paci but she wouldn't take it.  I went and fixed her a small bottle of water, she sucked that down and passed out.  I was finally able to put her back in her crib and go get an hour of sleep before I had to go to work.

Should I be offering her more water during the day?  I usually don't offer her any but yesterday she did have some in her sippy cup with dinner.  She drank some but most of it ended up on her.

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