Single Parents

Torn (long)

I am 18 weeks pregnant and my FI left me in April and called off our wedding (planned/booked for May 22).  He had a breakdown and told me that thinking about marrying me and having this baby made him want to kill himself and that I should do what was best for the baby and have an abortion since he was not going to be a father.  Of course I did not do that and decided to continue the pregnancy alone. 

Now, he's seeing a counselor, on anti-depressants/anti-anxiety medication and he wants to be involved in the baby's life.  I am fine with him being a father and want my baby to have a relationship with him.  He claims it will be too hard with us living separately and wants us to move in together but has made it clear he does not want to get married.  He also said he doesn't want to deal with any lawyers or court for things like child support, custody, etc.  In my heart I know I am worth more than this especially since I had the ring and we had our wedding completely planned (I was stuck with over $1,500 worth of non-refundable deposits, he has never offered to pay for those).

I need advice as to whether I try to make things work, let him move in and try to be a family, even though he is not willing to marry me or if I should just say that we need to work on coparenting and leave our relationship out of it?  I do still love him, but I am very very torn on this.

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