North Carolina Babies

Taking your child out of school for vacation....discuss

To do or not to do - that is the question.....

Recently, A's mom booked him a flight to visit her in FL.  He's missing 4 days of school for this trip.  While I know EOG's are over and pretty much the rest of the school year is for review, field trips, etc I just don't agree that kids should be taken out of school for vacations.  I think around major holidays it's ok to miss 1 day for travel, but think a kids job is to go to school and yeah it sucks you can't take vacation whenever you want, but that's life.  Am I being overly crazy?  While my DH is annoyed A is missing 4 days of school he said if the right circumstances were to come up - he wouldn't have a problem taking the kids out of school for vacation. 

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