Upstate NY Babies

Made THE appt for DH

DH goes on the 16th for a consult for a vasectomy.

As much as my heart would like another baby. My head, my sanity, our home and our bank account couldn't handle it. I've thought about it 24/7 and it is the 100% right decision.

DH had always only wanted 1 child- we agreed on 2... and got 3. 3 amazing healthy babies and I just can't roll the dice on that again. I already feel like I am spread sooo thin/overwhelmed. DH works 12 hour days at the family business and is "not a newborn person" so I'm basically on my own with them until they are out of the "baby" phase. I think my cute little Brandon was sent from God to test my patience with endless evenings of crying ;) The final deciding factor is that once you have fraternal twins (a result of hyper ovulating) your odds of having them again are 1 in 4. I just couldn't imagine...

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