Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Best Bump Twist EVER!!!!

OMG, this chick is for serious? I replied in the origal post but I think it deserved a spin off....check out OU post for the fun!  Sorry for the bad cut and paste. I am not great at the url/ copying html.. 

I hate all the pot stirring on this board. I don't like the psuedo-political rants and people acting like their opinions are the only valid ones. If you don't agree then you are flamed into oblivion. Its HS BS and it makes those posters look really bad.


i think that if you live in a democracy, you should be able to talk about your views without getting all butthurt. that's what adults do. our army kills children, our banks nearly drove the global economy off a cliff... these are facts. if it hurts your feelings to hear about them you're doing a disservice to the people who died so we can have a say about how things run.


 I said I dont like the ganging up on someone who doesnt have the same opinion and suddenly I am anti-American and ungrateful???? A good difference of opinion is one of my favorite kinds of conversations but that is NOT what occurs on this board (most times)...this post proved my point EXACTLY...Bravo Bstrangely. You take the cake.

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