Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Unhappy baby in Convertible Car seat

I am not a frequent poster but enjoy lurking for the support from these boards. So maybe someone has experienced this problem or going through it now.

Recently, I moved my 11 month old into a RF Boulevard 70 from an infant seat. He is about 19 lbs and 29 inches. He cries when I put him in the seat until I give him a toy to distract him long enough to buckle him. Then while driving he will fuss and throw is toys.  

Around 9 months, he would fuss when I put him in the Infant seat but only for a minute. He enjoys being in the car and most of the time will fall asleep or play with his toys. Nothing on the seat seems to be pinching him. And I have had it checked to ensure it is installed right.

Could it be the seat? Or just that it is a different angle then the Infant seat? Should I consider buying another Convertible Seat? I am just wondering if anyone has any suggestions

Thanks in advance.



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