North Carolina Babies

NBR: Job networking (long, sorry)

So many of you probably know about my tumultuous job situation over the past few years. But if not, here's the gist...

I lost the job (due the the business shutting down) I'd been in for 4 years when I was 4 mos pregnant with Holly. It was time for me to leave that position anyway, but it was a drama filled separation (not my doing--the previously cool, generous owner turned kind of shady), and I'd really hoped to just stick it out until after Holly was born. I should have seen the writing on the wall months earlier, but I'll admit, I failed to really believe it, mostly because I was trying to be optimistic. Big mistake.

I got a contract job when I was 5 mos pregnant that I was told (by the staffing agency) would likely go to a permanent position, but that was nixed soon after the company found out I was pregnant. I was replacing someone who had left after having a baby, so I feel like they didn't want to commit to a 2-3 mo maternity leave with the risk of me not coming back again at all--even though that was never my plan. Then I was unemployed until Holly was 10 months old, when I got the job I'm in now. I've been here for 1.5 years.

It's been a bad fit from the start, pretty much, and I've been looking for other work since I started here. If you'd have told me a year ago that I'd still be here, I would have been very upset! I was in a position where I pretty much had to take the first reasonable offer that came along. I've probably had about 4 interviews in the 1.5 yrs since I've been here, and one offer (it was part time, and at the same time, my current job offered me full time, so I felt I needed to stay). Lately things at work have gotten worse, and I'm beyond frustrated and feeling hopeless. I've been in limbo in one way or another, and searching for a job, for about 3 years now. My self esteem (professionally, and quite honestly, just in general) is nearly non-existent, and I'm at the point where I'm just completely exasperated and exhausted by it all. I break down in tears over it at least once a week, if we're being honest.

I'm proud of the things I've done to attempt to network, and while I've met some nice people, so far it's not proven to be very fruitful. Here are some things I've done over the last couple of years to try to help my job search (I am in Human Resources):

  • -Earned a highly regarded HR certification
  • -Joined HR industry organizations (both national and local chapters)
  • -Attended networking events w/ the local chapter
  • -Joined LinkedIn, and have stayed active on it, and reached out to contacts on it
  • -Consulted with career services with my college alumni association
  • -Sent "cold call" type emails to connections from my alumni association, and members of the local HR association.
  • -Had personal business cards printed that I pass out to everyone and their mom. :-)
  • -Took a rather expensive HR class (which thankfully, my company paid for), and used that as a chance to network
  • -Met with several staffing agencies


In addition to all that, Daily I search all the main job boards, Craigslist, the job sites of companies I'm specifically interested in, the job boards of the local HR association, and I'm sure plenty of other things I'm forgetting.  

I'm tired of searching for jobs. I've done it for 3 damn years, every day, and I'm tired of it. I'm at a point where I want to be focused on a career, not just "have a job," which is how I feel right now. I feel like I'm backpedaling with developing experience in this job, because I'm just really not learning much of anything. I feel like I'm not where I should be at this point in my career, and my resume isn't impressive enough, especially with the break in employment, contract job, etc. I'm very self conscious of it. Jobs are still hard to come by, and very competitive, and I feel I'm just lost in the black hole of hundreds of other applicants. I'm ready to be in a more professional environment (where I am is far from professional), and ready to really be involved in something, and take pride in my work, not just go through the motions.

I know few are lucky enough to find their dream jobs, but I'm ready to be in a situation where I'm at least content to stay for a few years so I can get on with my life. I feel like my job situation is dictating things like when we have another baby-- I'd like to be settled in a new job before I get pregnant, and have enough time under my belt for FMLA and STD eligibility, and I'm very resentful that my job situation is dictating things like that. :-(

If you've read this far, you deserve a drink. LOL. Drinks

The intent of this sob story is to get other ideas of things I can do that maybe I'm not doing. Or, to see if anyone might have any contacts, especially in HR, that you might be willing to pass on. So if you do, I greatly appreciate it! (and appreciate you taking the time to read this!)


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