Babies: 9 - 12 Months

DH's dysfunctional family (longish)

I've always known that DH's fam is a bit weird and have ways that I don't agree with, but I just realized this weekend how bad it really is. They're quite a large extended family (lots and lots of cousins, some of them not even real family because some of the aunts had affairs along the line...) but they're all quite close. There's at least one family "thing" happening every month (like birthdays etc.) but we don't really attend these functions because we live about an hour's drive away (luckily). Btw, DH and his brother are the only ones in the entire family with a degree, his parents were quite strict on education, unlike the rest of them (some of them never even finished school). 

So just to sum things up, his one cousin has a serious cocaine addiction, three of the aunts are full-blown alcoholics, almost all of them smoke (right where the children are, they don't care), two of the cousins are Wiccans (we're Christians), and they're all very loud and "rough around the edges", if you know what I mean. The one aunt is having a secret affair with her daughter's ex-husband.  

It's DD's 1st birthday in three weeks time and we had to invite them all, but we kinda hoped that they won't all come. But now more than half of them have already RSVP'd and we're getting more and more stressed about the day! I won't be surprised if some of them pitch up with a cooler-bag full of alchohol! DH said last night that he's actually sorry that he invited all of them... but it's too late now. It's a morning party from 10am-12:30, so I HOPE things run smoothly. I really don't want to be embarrassed in front of my own family and friends...!!! Don't know what to do... Should I send an email to the family saying that no alcohol or "own beverages" is permitted on the premises? Or should I just do nothing and hope for the best? TIA

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