Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Tell me about your....

bedtime routine!

Right now, we do a bath, then pajamas, then nurse to sleep (in theory).  On non-bath nights, it's pajamas, then nurse to sleep (in theory). 

That was working really well until she stopped falling asleep while nursing, and began thinking that it was party time on a full belly.  It's a fight to get her to sleep each night after she stays awake through feeding. 

I know that she is getting too old to nurse to sleep, and this may sound idiotic, but I really don't know how to change it up.  I don't want her to wake up hungry, and then to begin the habit of feeding her a couple of times every night.  I guess that's why I'm afraid to change up the feeding right before sleep. 

How long does your LO go between feedings?  What is the order of your bedtime routine?  Any advice would be great!


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