Babies: 9 - 12 Months

easy table food ideas?

I need help with table food ideas for DS. He's still doing a lot of purees, even though he can handle big-people food. There's two reasons behind this. One, they are convenient and for 2 working parents on opposite schedules, we just don't have a lot of time for cooking/food preparing. Two, it helps me to know how much he is consuming, because when he eats table food he eats much slower and less overall, and I worry he doesn't get enough.

All that being said, I would like to get him off purees as much as possible, so I need some ideas for good table food options that hopefully don't take too long to prepare. Thanks!

 PS.... we try to give him whatever we are eating at dinner time, but I don't normally eat breakfast or lunch with him... and snacks are an issue too.

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