Babies: 9 - 12 Months

ice cream cone cupcakes

I saw these online and plan on making them for my DS's birthday party.  I am doing a trial run tonight so my DH can take them to the end of the year potluck at the school he teaches at tomorrow.

Has anyone made these before?  Any suggestions?  I have heard they can be soggy if you bake them the night before but that I can prick holes in the bottom after they cook to prevent it.  Or should I just get up at a ridiculous hour and bake them?  I wanted to decorate them with buttercream frosting as well.  Any help/ideas/suggestions are very much appreciated.

Missing our Little Pumpkin BFP 2-19-09, MC 3-1-09 Mommy and Daddy miss you and love you so very much! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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