Babies: 9 - 12 Months

How Much Per Hour for Baby Sitter?

I have a couple of sitters I've talked to for the summer so we can get out some more.  We've used sitters in the past (friend's younger siblings), but didn't really establish an hourly rate.  We'd just give them $60 or $40 depending on how long we were out--- they were family friends so we were being extra generous.

Two of the sitters are college age - how much per hour? 

One of the sitters is 14.  I will probably have her come over when I am here - more like a mother's helper so I can work in my garden- or watch the girls for a couple hours while I run errands.  I'm not comfortable having her stay with them at night since she's so young.  How much per hour for her?

I'm going to talk to all of them and find out what their "rate" is (I always appreciated when I was a sitter and parents did that with me), but wanted to find out what a ball park range would be.....

Also - would you pay more if they are watching the kids during the day than at night?  For example, tonight we are going out to dinner, but I'm putting the kids to sleep.  They almost NEVER wake up.  So the sitter will be here watching TV for a couple of hours.

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