Upstate NY Babies

Quick check-in

Can't believe that our little guy is a week and a day old already!  Things are going really well.  He took right to BF, thankfully, and has been doing really well.  Our only thing to figure out is how to get him to sleep in something.  He will sleep great with or on one of us during the night, with the last stretch in the FP Rock and Play, but before that it is only us.  During the day, he will sleep anywhere.  This could be part of having days and nights mixed up.  He definitely wants to eat a lot between 9-12 at night.  

My recovery from the C-section has been really good, I am in little to no pain now, with just taking Motrin a couple times a day.  

Evan has done really well.  The only thing we have to watch, is how "strongly" he loves his brother.  He wants to touch him a lot, and does not realize how fragile he can be.  DH has been taking Evan out once a day to do something special, so that has been good.  Once I can drive again, I hope to be able to do that too.  Right now I try to have some cuddle time with him. It is so hard not being able to pick him up, although by instinct I have a few times and caught myself.

imageimage PHOTO Credit: Meryl :)Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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