Babies: 9 - 12 Months


I typically post on the AP board, but thought you ladies might have some suggestions.  My little guy has never fallen asleep on his own, even as a newborn he'd need to be rocked or walked to sleep.  He NEVER fell asleep in a bouncey seat, swing, etc.  I have no problem helping him go to sleep, but lately he is waking up as soon as I lay him down and it is taking FOREVER to get him down.  He sleeps for 3-4 hours at a time at night, I'm fine with that, but his naps have gone to crap and by the end of day he is a fussy mess.

My dilema is that we can't do CIO.  He has asthma and respiratory problems.  If he cries for more that 5 minutes we end up having to do a breathing treatment for wheezing.  We've been following NCSS since he was about 4 months old with mixed success. 

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