Babies: 9 - 12 Months

need help with ferber and night time feedings

I want to try Ferber tonight since I am off from work this week meaning I don't have to get up early tomorrow. My DS wakes up about 6 times a night and sometimes, comfort nurses. I know there are some times during the night he is actually hungry. Anyway, I understand the ferber method in regards to the timing when you should let your baby cry and the times you should go in to comfort. But how does it work if my DS is hungry? I mean the only way I usually know he's hungry is if I put him on my breast and he eats. WIth ferber, dp i get him and put him on my breast at some point in the middle of the night to feed him? or is it strictly no eating? I don't want to abruptly wean him from his night feedings, but do I have a choice with this ferber method??

I'm sorry..I was always against CIO methods, but I have been rocking my DS since he was 3 months old and he still sleeps on my chest sometimes! It really has taken a toll on my back and it's affecting my work at the hospital. =/

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