Babies: 9 - 12 Months

8 month old reduced nursing - help please!

My LO used to nurse every 3-4 hours and also 2-3 times at night. In the past month or so day time nursing has drastically reduced. He nurses 2-3 times during the day now and that is a struggle. We started solids at 6 months, he is on 2 meals per day. I am trying to reduce night time feedings in the hope that he will want to eat more during the day. I am using the Ferber method of spacing out feedings. Did anyone else have this problem?

Last night he nursed at 12am and 5am. He nursed today at 1pm, 445pm and I got him to nurse a little before bed at 7 but that was a struggle. He seems distracted during the day, but I am not sure if that is it or if he just isnt hungry because he is getting so much at night.

Do you think I should try to reduce night time feeding? I dont want him to stop nursing so I am torn about this. I am hoping that would mean more day time nursing but if he is just distracted or uninterested during the day I dont want him not to nurse at all.


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