Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Baby Proofing Vertical Blinds

Hi Ladies,

My name is Lisa I'm a freelance writer/SAHM to Michael, 9 months. He's not crawling, but he's rolling like a live fish! Recently, he's getting into our vertical blinds, which are hung on two sets of sliding glass doors and in a bay window.

Any advice on how to baby proof these? The cords are not a problem, right now they're high enough that he'd need to be about 4 feet tall to reach them, but the actual blinds ... he loves to play with them and I don't know how to secure them so they don't go toppling down. I've read online about paper clipping the blinds together, but I can't quite grasp it!

 Any insight would be great!


BFP 8/12/12 m/c 8/19/12 BFP 12/1/12 EDD 8/11/13 Pregnancy Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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