Babies: 9 - 12 Months

CIO with a mobile 10 month old

I think I want to start trying the CIO method for DD with her night wakings.  Right now she is waking up 1-3 times a night to comfort nurse and I am getting terrible/no sleep.  Our pedi said she is getting enough nutrition during the day and he said it was okay to stop night nursing and try crying it out.  DD is very mobile,crawls pulls up on her crib and stands and cries there.  Should I just let her stand at the crib railing and cry or do I go back in there and lay her down?  She knows how to get down on her own she just won't she keeps crying.  Will it take longer for her to CIO since she is standing at the railing?  I am nervous that I won't be able to do it hearing her cry I will prob want to go get her.  Any advice is appreciated.....
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