Upstate NY Babies

I want to AW Ty's school! Main Street EEP

I just want to take a minute to tell anyone in the Syr area who is looking for a great preschool, or a charity to donate to, the North Syracuse Early Education Program is AWESOME times 10! 

Just a couple weeks ago, I mentioned on here that I am having a hard time at home dealing with Ty and his social "wierdness" and tantrums.  School decided to add counciling at school to his services to help him at school, I went in one day and spoke with the psychologist for like 15 minutes, she just wanted to go over the test results before I got a copy in the mail.  She called me like a week later with the idea of setting up an in-home therapy session with someone from the district to help me come up with stratagies and techniques to deal with these difficult situation and the tantrums!  She had already done the leg work and had someone set up!  I didn't ask her for help!  I didn't even know this was an option!  She just knew from our 15 minute meeting that I could use this and took the initiative!  We had the EIP meeting today to add the THREE weekly sessions (2 in school, 1 in home) and the principal passed it all without blinking an eye!

This school has gone so far above and beyond any expectations I could ever imagine from a preschool.  It breaks my heart to know that it is facing closure after the next school year :-(  If anyone is ever looking for a charity (school serves all of Onondaga county) or a preschool program, please think of Main Street!!

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