Babies: 9 - 12 Months

This is really sad...

My twin cousins are graduating from high school (quite an accomplishment for them), and my aunt is throwing a big party after for them at her house. The only problem is that it is in Hawaiian Gardens, Ca. Because of this, DH and I cannot attend even though a lot of my family there are dying to see DD and begging us to bring her. The reason is, the area is heavily occupied by the mexican people who do not take too kindly to other races and not too long ago, it was one of their missions to "exterminate" non mexican people from the area, especially targeting african american males. Many people were killed. Well, my husband is black and we do not feel safe going to a place like that. Especially because a lot of the males there do not like the idea of a mexican girl being married to a black guy. My mom suggested that I come with DD and do not bring DH. That is out of the question in my mind. It makes me want to cry to see that there are things like that still happening in 2011 and I feel horrible that we will miss such a big event in my cousin's lives. Just needed to vent my frustration and sadness.

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