Babies: 9 - 12 Months

this is my soon to be idiot sil (long)

i was at my parents this weekend. at 3pm on sunday my brothers fiancee called to ask what time we were having our cookout. then she says, oh btw, your son dove into a pool and cracked his 3AM. it took her ALL DAY to call my mom to tell her that. so thats bad enough by itself. then we come to find out that when he hit his head he was temp paralyzed and couldnt move his arms. so he floated in teh pool for a few minutes b/c his idiot friends thought he was joking. someone finally gets a clue, pulls him out and he's not breathing. they do cpr, get him alert and breathing and the fiancee TAKES HIM HOME then once his arms go numb again they decided to go to the ER. 

i was absolutely livid. why didnt they call the ambulance to begin with? why did they let him float? how did they now realize that by moving him so much they couldve done way more damage?!!! ugh, i just cant fathom the stupidity of some people.  he was incredibly lucky and  only has a fractured c7 vertebrae. all they can do for him is give him a neck brace and monitor the healing.

my mom asked me not to cause a scene when she came over. so i didnt. but i did email the girl and basically told her off. i just got a reply from her this mornig and this is what it says " There is no point in you having ill feelings towards me about something in the past."

i thank god he is ok but i have been a ball of nerves since sunday and her stupid ass email only make me think even less of her. 

thanks for letting me vent. 

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