Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Prince William & Catherine to visit Canada!

Hi Folks,

Just saw on CBC, that Prince William and Catherine will make Canada their first royal visit (as per tradition) and here's where they're going to visit:

  • Ottawa and region, from June 30 to July 2.
  • Montreal on July 2.
  • Quebec City on July 3.
  • Charlottetown from July 3 to July 4.
  • Summerside, P.E.I., on July 4.
  • Yellowknife from July 4 to July 6.
  • Calgary from July 6 to July 8.

I was lucky enough to see the Queen and Prince Phillip when they visited the 'Peg last year, but I sure wish I could see the two of them!

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