Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Wanting the sex of Baby #2 to be a surprise!!!

I initiated a conversation with DH about having another baby tonight.  It's something we both want and we both are in agreement that we'd like to wait until we are a little more settled. DH is in the application process with another agency, so we'd like for him to get a job offer and be in the new position and settled.

However, I brought up to him that I really think I want to be surprised about the sex of the baby.  DH is not going for this at all.  He wants to know.  He even said he could find out and not tell me.  I just don't think he will be able to keep a secret.  Not that I think he would purposely tell me.  I just really think it would be exciting to wait.  We have all the stuff for a new baby.  If it's a boy, we have tons of clothes.  If it's a girl, all we would really have to get is some clothes. 

Any thoughts on this?  I told DH we have plenty of time to discuss and decide, but based on his reaction tonight, I don't think he is going to budge.

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