Babies: 9 - 12 Months

XP: She's 9 months old now and wants to nurse all. the. time.

My daughter turned three-quarters yesterday.  It seems like for the past couple days she's been wanting to nurse a whole lot more than normal, basically nuzzling me every time she gets near my boobs, no matter how recently she's eaten or how long she nursed before.  She also wants me to hold her pretty much all the time.  She has three teeth coming in at once, so I assume that she's a bit uncomfortable, but last night she screamed when she realized I had put her down in the crib and wasn't holding her anymore.

Is this some kind of perfect storm of teething discomfort, growth spurt AND separation anxiety?  Am I the only one experiencing this?  Will I ever get to go eat breakfast this morning? lol

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