North Carolina Babies

Help! PG Weight Gain

I'm 37weeks today, and I've been gaining 1-2 pounds per week.  Last week I was at 30 pounds total gain, which although I wasn't happy about, I felt okay about it because my midwife said I should plan to gain 25-35 pounds total by the end of the pregnancy.  I only get on the scale on Saturday mornings when I get up, so that it's the same day, same time each week and thus more likely to offer an accurate idea of my weight gain.  This morning I get on and I gained FIVE pounds this past week!  Should I be as freaked out as I am?  Is that considered "rapid" weight gain?  And should I call my midwife?  I don't want to be "that" person who calls, especially on a holiday weekend.

 Thanks in advance!

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