Upstate NY Babies

how do you know what is normal and not?

I know I have asked before but we are having such a problem with Ethan.  His temper tantrums are out of control.  If we tell him no he throws things, hits, and drops to the ground to bang his head.

Last night dh put him to bed at 8:30 he woke up at 10:30crying. So dh went up and he wanted his diaper changed, needed his apple juice(it's only water he just doesn't know it), he had to come in and out of the room at least 5 times.  DH sat down to rock him and E got mad and threw his taggie and then threw the sippy cup at dh's head. DH picked him up and laid him down in bed. Ethan screamed until 12:45 when I noticed he was naked.  So I went up there and he flipped out.  It honestly looked like he was possessed. He was stiffening his body and screaming, crying, yelling.  He wanted downstairs so we brought  him down and then took him back up where he didn't fall alseep until 2:30. 

I just don't know if his tantrums are normal for a 2 year old or if they are worse.  I think the reason I worry so much is dh's nephew has some sort of behavior issue where he just can't control himself and has fits. That is what I see when I watch Ethan.  I might call his doctor and try to get some sort of consutaltion appt and not wait until his  2 1/2 year one.

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