Trouble TTC

XP: Can I Join?

I'm new to the bump (not the nest).  I am 31 and DH is 34.  We have a 3 yr old son and we are ttc again but I don't ovulate on my own.  I have PCOS due to a mild case of insulin resistance.  I am back on Metformin and since I want to ttc as "naturally" as possible, I will be using OPKs, natural relations, and progesterone suppositories for a few months.  If this method doesn't work I will do a Clomid cycle (we did Clomid+IUI to conceive my son).  What's weird is that I have very regular cycles and I get positive OPKs every month but my progesterone level "post ovulation" is 1.3 which proves I am annovulatory.

.... just wanted to introduce myself.

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