Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Anyone's LO not gain much weight between 6-12 months?

We just took DD in for her 9 month visit (even though she's 10.5 months now)..and she has only gained 4 oz since her 6 month visit. She plummeted from 85% to 25% weight and 96% to 57% height.

 We noticed she was slimming down, but we weren't concerned since she was not mobile in any way until pretty late, so she really packed on the pounds the first 8 months.  He first roll was at 8 months, but once she started rolling, she did everything else (crawling, pulling up, cruising) in the next few weeks.  So she went from completely totally, all out on the move.  She is also hitting all her other milestones.

 I remember DS gaining very little in that time period, but it wasn't as drastic of a decline.  We saw a new pedi at the practice today and she was pretty concerned about it.  so, of course, she made me paranoid and now I'm worried, even though I wasn't before.  She's a pretty good eater, so I really do think she's getting enough to eat.


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