Babies: 9 - 12 Months

yankee - I have an evil eye story for you

I'm part Sicilian.  Back in the early 2000s at my first job out of college, there was an icky perverted old man who worked at the company.  Constantly harassed me and the other woman engineers, my secretary, etc.  He would literally stand in the doorway of a cube to prevent you from leaving, and leer at you.  I know people complained about him, but nothing was done.

Anyway, the Friday right before I had a week off for vacation, I remember him leaving my cube, and I got up and went to my secretary's cube next door as he walked off.  Right in front of her, I gave him the evil eye, and joked how if I was my grandmother (who is dead) it would actually work. 

That Monday, as I was driving to our destination, my secretary called me up with, "OMFG Jamie, he's dead!  He dropped dead in his sleep on Saturday!"  Obviously we didn't send flowers, but I kinda spooked myself - DH said that my grandmother was probably beating his a$$ up if he made it to heaven for harassing me. 

I haven't thought about that in forever, I have to keep it in mind as an icebreaker for my next social gathering.
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