Babies: 9 - 12 Months

How do you discipline an 11 mth old?

And I guess really "Discipline" might not be exactly the right word.  But how do you show them that what they are doing is not a good thing?  Example, DS has learned to now spit his food after every spoonful, as well as grab the spoon out of my hand and throw it.  He thinks it's hysterical!  I've tried everything, from saying NO firmly, to stop feeding him, wait a bit, and then try again, to trying to distract him and hope he stops.  I'm at the point where my only other option is to tie his hands behind his back! LOL  I swatted his hand once out of reflex when he grabbed for the spoon and to be honest, that seemed to work, b/c he didn't do it again for the rest of the feeding, but I felt terrible!!!

 So what do you do when you need to get your LO to "behave"?! 

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