Upstate NY Babies

PNP or bed rails?

We booked our room for Disney, but I haven't requested sleeping arrangements for R yet. I am not sure what to do. They have Graco PNPs or bedrails (double beds). I layed him in our Chicco PNP and he is pretty much the length of it laying straight out, which he often does.

There is room where the sink and stuff is and a curtain, so I could put a pnp in there to block him from us/TV. I just don't know if he would be comfortable in it. I almost think he would be fine in a bed, but I don't know if he will lay down with us right there. I am hoping he will be so tired he won't care!

He really doesn't "travel" the crib anymore, if that makes a difference. I would bring our own pnp sheets if we decided on that. 

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