Upstate NY Babies

all this talk of preschool is making me nervous

I haven't thought of Ethan going to preschool.  I really don't even know how we would do it since we work and the programs are only a couple hours 2 days a week.  What do working moms do? Send them to a daycare that has preschool? 

When do kids go to preschool and is it the same as pre-k?  I'll be honest I don't know anything about this.  I've just seen the posts and realize maybe I should think about it.  I don't even know when kids start kindergarted.  The thought of looking for a new daycare makes me so sad.  We might have to anyway since dh is unemployed and we might lose our spots.  So I guess if we lose our spots then I will look at a place that has a preschool program 

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