Babies: 9 - 12 Months

in regards to my and birthday party

So I posted that I'm intentionally not inviting my in-laws to DS' birthday party that my parents are throwing.  It's a large party for my side of the family and our friends. My in-laws are not the nicest people ever, they give the stank eye ALL the time, roll their eyes at anything they don't approve of, talk bad about DH and I, and down right can't stand my parents.  

They don't come visit DS, never even call to ask about him. I call and let them know how hes doing and what dr visit we went to and what they said. They get mad if they hear information from other people, they tell me if makes them look stupid and bad grandparents if they don't know.  

When we are around each other at family meals (DH's grandmother has Sunday lunch at her house for the whole family) I get the stink eye so much! Anything we say that they don't like or believe they roll their eyes and laugh at us. It's a bad bad relationship, never has been good.  I'm not the girl they wanted him to marry, they wanted DH to marry his girlfriend before me (they stay in contact with her, I couldn't care less but I think it's still disrespectful to take it out on me)

So, I dont want to invite them...yes its rude and they are DS' family too.  I just can't bring myself to invite them knowing I'll stress the whole time worrying who they're talking to what they're running their mouths about, ect

Advice on what to do?? 

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