Babies: 9 - 12 Months

9.5 month old not mobile

Hi everyone. Before I start let me say that I took my son to the Dr's at 7 months old for this very problem, just want to have other opinioins.


My son is 9.5 months old. He just rolled from back to belly today for the first time. He sits like a champ (been sitting ind from 4 months) but has no mobility (i.e. commando crawling, bum scooting, crusing etc) he can roll from belly to back and when on his belly he can spin in a circle, same as when he is sitting. Our Dr told us that he had until 10-11 months to find some way of moving across a room. my questions are has anyone else had a stationary baby? Did they magically start to move? What will our options be if he doesnt get going?


Note* He was born with congential torrticollis (twisted neck) and we went to physio therapy until he was 3 months old and since then you can only tell he has it when he lays on his back as in that position he is unable to turn his head. (which explaines why he took so long to roll. Also he had a bad flat spot so we rarely let him lay on his back)


Thank you

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