Babies: 9 - 12 Months

MIL advice needed...should I say something or let it go?

Hello all,

Sorry I don't post here much, but I need some advice. My MIL is visiting right now and pretty much every time she visits she spends most of her time out with her friends or away from our house when our LO is awake. DH and I get really annoyed because she is supposed to be here visiting LO and us, but she doesn't seem to make that the priority. This makes my DH feel very down I think because it's coupled with the fact that she used to live near us (pre-LO) and moved to live near his brother because they have a son and now a daughter. She spends loads of time with them, but when she's here she's barely here. I try not to get upset about it, but it does hurt both our feelings and it makes me sad that our LO isn't going to know her very well because she's simply not around. I'm contemplating saying something to her because it's very possible that she doesn't see things the same way and I kind of want to point out to her that her actions are making us feel bad. My DH isn't the most open with his feelings and can be distant, so she may be getting a vibe from him that we don't want her around. He won't talk to her about it, I've asked him to, but it continues to hurt his feelings every time she's here. Does anyone have any advice for me? Should I say something to her or should I just shut up and live with it? Thanks.

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