Upstate NY Babies

So frustrating (long vent)

My Dad's girlfriend has 3 daughters, C being the oldest (27-changed her initial just in case).  C moved out of state at least a year ago with her friend and moved to the state her boyfriend was from. She moves in with said BF and gets pregnant-shes due on my DDs bday (6/27).  Said BF is a big druggie and ends up hitting C, so C secretly moves out and house bounces (between his family and some of her family) until being "rescued" by her aunt and sister who drive down to help her move back to NY state. She is back in NY about a month ago (2mos until baby due)-doesnt get a job, moves in with her dad, goes on welfare and medicaid. DH and I saw C less than a month ago and you couldnt even tell she was pregnant-she hardly had any belly on her.  Today she posts on FB "please pray for my baby". I talked to my Dad today and ask how C's doing with the pregnancy since she has 1 month left-he says "ok"...apparently she had an u/s yesterday and the baby is very underweight. They are now putting the rest of her pregnancy and delivery at high risk and are telling her to have a bag packed b/c they might make her get admitted at any appt. Then my Dad informs me that she has been smoking and drinking caffeine all day long the entire pregnancy.  I told him she looked small when we saw her and asked if shes eating enough. He says, "I doubt it. When she stays overnight, the first thing she does in the morning is smokes and has a regular pepsi. Thats all I ever see her do" My Dad gave her a lecture about smoking and low birth weight, etc and now she won't talk to him.  I told DH about it tonight and it totally pisses us off that shes begging for prayers when this is all about what SHE'S doing thats unhealthy.  And said BF said hes driving up here for the birth-which I"m sure will cause drama. The thing is, I totally see where this is going-she wont be able to care for/afford this kid, she'll end up living with her Mom (&my dad) and they'll be doing all of the work. Really aggrivates me....haven't people heard of birth control?!
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