Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Fever Question

My DD has had her first fever this week.  It has been going on since Monday and it only ever spiked to 102.  Well when she got up this morning it was back up close to 102 again so I decided to call the pedi just to be safe.  We are supposed to go in later today.  My question is, I gave her some motrin around 9-9:30 and put her down for a nap at 10.  She slept for almost 2 hours and when she got up she was sweaty but wasn't warm anymore.  I took her temp and it was 98.5 rectally.  The past few days the motrin and tylenol have only taken the fevers down to around 100.  Does this mean the fever has broken?  I am still going to take her to the pedi but I am just wondering since this is our first real experience with a fever.  Thanks! 

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