Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Moms of boys with circumcisions

..ok, so I've been noticing this white looking spot on DS's foreskin around his penis. I ask about it at every visit and it's always been downplayed and I was told it was just trapped Destin and it would work its way to the surface. Well Monday night this spot was huge and nasty so I pushed on it to see if it was actually diaper cream that was at the surface ready to come out. 

 Nasty creamy clumpy stuff came out. YUCK! Then it oozed so I cleaned it up. I called the pediatricians office the next morning. The pediatrician said that "skin bands" were forming around the head of his penis and causing a pocket that had gotten infected. We're going to a pediatric urologist and have it looked at/ cut away!

Any advice? Anyone heard of this?

Please no flaming, I don't want to start the circumcision debate I'm just desperate for any one who may have gone through this and see what we're up against!

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