Single Parents

Unbelievable, really!?! Courts suck!

So exH has not been around/seen DS in 15 months, won't say where he lives, doesn't pay CS etc.  So back in Feb. I start the process to modify the PP to just phone visitation and our court date is tomorrow at 1:30 to enter it because he was served, didn't reply, and the 20 day waiting period is up.  Tomorrow's court date was to enter in default since he didn't reply.

I just got a phone call from my attny. that his mommy hired him a lawyer and now everything we've done and I've paid for is null and the court date tomorrow is basically off because how he has representation.  Serioulsy seething p!ssed.  Less than 24 hours that it was in the bag and the courts allow him (his mom) to swoop in at the 11th hour and make it all go away?  WTF!

Now we have to sit and wait for what his proposed parenting plan is.  I am so p!ssed that I even opened up this can of worms, now it is all going to change and I'm seriously sick about it.  How can it even be?  I don't get why the courts allow monkeys like him to dance around and screw with everything.  I. am. so. mad.

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