Babies: 9 - 12 Months


Long, and I'm typing really fast. Going to try and state facts without my opinion.

 My SIL just had a baby 19 days ago at home unassisted (at home on purpose, unassisted bc her midwife didn't get there in time). Born at 8 lbs 13 oz

She has failed to thrive, and on day 16 was 7 lbs 9 oz.  As of yesterday she had still not gained any weight.

 Baby has not seen a pedi, the midwife comes to weigh her every 2 days. 

 I called yesterday and set up an appt for her at the office my mother works at (no relation to SIL)  She agreed and said baby needed to see a dr.

 This morning she called and asked me to cancel the appt because the midwife was going to come instead.

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