North Carolina Babies

NBR--really sore throat

What else could cause a really, really sore throat other than strep, tonsilitis, etc?

I don't have a fever, just a little nose/throat congestion (if that even makes sense--I feel like I constantly need to clear my throat), a super sore throat (like it hurts pretty bad to drink ice water or yawn), and earlier I had a headache and general achiness. But mostly, it's just the sore throat. I feel like strep or tonsilitis usually involves a fever or other symptoms.

I hesitate to go to the Dr if it's just a cold or something, because I'm pretty sure my file there probably has a big "hypochondriac" stamp on it already...LOL. (Perhaps you remember this post? hehe).

But I will say, this really, really hurts. Sad

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