Single Parents

Back to work

I'm feeling really guilty that I have to take Barrett to daycare next week so I can go back to work.  He'll only be 5 weeks old.  But quite frankly until I can't afford to stay home the whole 6 weeks because we still don't have CS set up and I used up a lot of my vacation/sick time in my 2nd trimester when I hurt my back.

It's just frustrating that I've paid for everything to prepare for Barrett, all his expenses since his birth, and now I have to go back to work so I can continue to provide for him all by myself.  It's bad enough I have to take care of him by myself.  I know that since I've filed for support I will get back pay from this time, but that's not helping me right now and it's just one more thing on top of adjusting to life with a newborn.

I love love love Barrett more than anything, but it's hard doing this on my own.  And I really hate that I already have to feel guilty about things like this.

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