Babies: 9 - 12 Months

11 month old feeding....

I see all these posts about dropping bottle feedings...etc...

my 11 month old dd takes almost 5 - 6oz bottles a day still....

she doesn't eat a whole lot and i think this is why...

we just got her to eat grilled cheese and meat balls last week, granted its not a whole lot, but she hates getting fed "baby food", will eat crackers or mum mums or even puffs at times....but her next ped appointment is a month away and the last time we went they told us around 25-30oz of formula a day....

should be space them out...she at times gets a bottle almost every 3 hours....

i just keep questioning what in the world to feed her and what i can't feed her and if others are just as confused and unsure as i am!?!?


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers You want me to eat this food... no thanks, i have my paci.
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