Upstate NY Babies

S/O neighbors

What is your neighborhood like?  How is it set up and what kind of people live by you?

We live on a long country-ish road about 10 minutes from town.  No sidewalks, 45mph zone, very little traffic, a few people walk up and down the hill almost daily. 

The neighbors up the road from us are directly next door, with a little bit of grassy yard separating us.  My neighbors down the road (my ILs!) are separated by a couple of acres of woods, think tall trees, can't see their house from Spring-Fall.  We also have a couple of houses directly across the street from us, people DH has known his whole life b/c he grew up there.

From what I've seen most of the neighborhood is made up of adults in their upper 30s and up.  I think we're definitely the youngest homeowners on our road.  There are some kids ranging from elementary school to high school.  I think the neighbors right next door to us have a baby about Stella's age but we don't talk to them (no reason, just never have).

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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