Babies: 9 - 12 Months

9 month old not eating enough...suggestions?

DD has suddenly become a picky eater. She used to eat anything and everything and right around 9 months she got picky. She loves fruit, veggies and pasta, and slices of cheese, but that's all I can get her to eat on a reg basis. Normally I wouldn't worry bc she's still getting about 24 oz of formula a day, but she has started to wake up in the middle of the night for a bottle...NOT GOOD.

I spoke to the pedi and he said the pickiness at this age is normal--she's developing a personality and discovering what she likes and doesn't like.

So 3 questions for you ladies...have any of you been through this? If so, how did it resolve itself? And, if you have a picky eater, what do they like to eat? I need to try more foods with DD and maybe find another fave to add to our rotation.

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